Core Curriculum

Leadership In Diplomacy And Security

Leaders in the domains of diplomacy and security are often responsible for missions in which the stakes are extraordinarily high both for their nations and for their organizations. Accordingly, those charged with statecraft and in military command face unique challenges. During this course, the instructor will introduce Scholars to general theories and principles of leadership and – drawing upon his own experience as an ambassador and soldier – discuss how these relate to the professions of diplomacy and arms. Classes will consist of lectures by the instructor and guest speakers who have held prominent positions in fields of international relations, defense, and development. In addition, several student sections will be convened during which small groups will examine a hypothetical leadership problem and then present their insights to their classmates. The course is interactive, and participants are encouraged to focus on their verbal and written communicative styles. Students will acquire a better understanding of universally effective leadership techniques, of the cultures of foreign service and military officers, and – more broadly – of the conduct of foreign policy and formulation of national security strategy.